Chiropractic is a form of health care concentrating on the location and removal of a severe form of spine and nerve stress, a condition that puts pressure on nerves, unbalances your body, lowers your resistance to disease, a and weakens you: the vertebral subluxation complex.
Chiropractic has helped millions of people recover from sickness, disease and disability; and minimized the use of drugs and surgery in their lives.
Our Chiropractors in office are trained in a variety of techniques. They both perform manual adjustments, Activator adjustments, and arthrostim. We have patients who want to hear the 'pop' of an adjustment, as well as those who prefer instrument adjusting in which no audibles will be heard. We see great results with both, and are happy to tailor a technique that works best for you!
We provide a variety of therapies in office including intersegmental traction, hydrotherapy, and therapeutic exercises recommended specifically for you based on your treatment care plan. Our traction table helps to increase joint mobility, decrease muscle spasm, and restore spinal curve to the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine. Our hydrotherapy table is a warm water massage designed to decrease swelling, increase circulation, decrease inflammation, improve range of motion, and help relieve chronic pain. We also have an electrical muscle stimulation designed to decrease muscle spasm and help you feel better faster. We use all these techniques to help minimize your pain, help you heal faster, and get back to the things you love.
Copyright © 2018 Care Chiropractic and Accupuncture - All Rights Reserved. Website Content and Design by Thea Fotiu Howell, The Artist's Concierge, Raleigh, NC