Dr. Sophia Myers has developed a unique weight loss program that is designed to help patients drop 12-35 pounds in just 5 weeks, painlessly and without drugs or surgery. Using non-needle acupuncture, this program is completely painless. The acupuncture controls appetite and cravings while stimulating the metabolism, allowing easy weight loss and establishing a healthy lifestyle.
This is a clean eating program. No shakes or pre-bought meals necessary!
Read 7 Facts About The Myers Method
The 5 week program is designed for quick weight loss, under doctor’s supervision. Using painless, non-needle Acupuncture to stimulate certain points in the ear, your metabolism is stimulated and appetite, cravings, and withdraw symptoms are reduced.
In addition, you receive individualized BMR balancing, nutritional instruction, exercise and supplementation.
Treatment times are usually 15 minutes, with the exception of the initial consultation, which usually takes 30- 45 minutes. You will have an initial consultation with the doctor, to discuss if this program is right for you. At that time, you will be able to discuss your specific goals, individual exercise regiment, and pertinent health concerns, including diet modifications. We will gather certain confidential information, in order to establish your BMR. You meet with the doctor for treatment twice per week for the 5 week program.
Your time is very important to us, we make every effort to schedule your visit the same day you call! If you are ready to make the change for a healthier, more active lifestyle, consult with Dr Myers and see if her method is right for you!
This program includes
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